Friday, January 31, 2020

UN Secretary Council Essay Example for Free

UN Secretary Council Essay If the UN Security Council decides a situation constitutes a threat to international peace and security, are there any limits on what it can do to address that threat? In your response, please refer to relevant provisions of the UN Charter. United Security Council constitutes of a group of representatives from United States organization member countries whose primarily responsibility as stated in the United Nations Charter as peace and security maintenance internationally. The intentions of United Nations founders were mainly to play a role in peace and security maintenance internationally through application of force where necessary. The charter of United Nations forbids the United security council from carrying out peace restoration operations using military efforts because the superpowers votoed most of such United Nations activities. This should mainly be applicable to the events of cold war crisis. For instance, on two occasions during the time of those regulations, in Lebanon and Congo, the United Security council gave out resolutions that demanded the missions to apply same measures of force so as to achieve their goal. Since the termination of that cold war, the United Nation Security Council gave authority to several United Nations operations which involved application of force to help in restoration and maintenance of peace. For instance, the United Security council authorized the application of force to restore peace in the former Yugoslavia and Somali which is quoted in the United Nation’s charter (Bailey 1998). It also authorizes actions with respect to peace threats, breach of peace and aggressive actions. Now given that the United Nations security council’s performance as the leader in operations of peace which involve application of force, most of the experts like the former United Nations Secretary General have in mind that it can be an appropriate organization in leading such a mission, although its operational structures and inadequacy of resources have been the major factor which limits the United Nations to perform effectively. Ban Ki Moon has just been elected Secretary-General of the United Nations. Some commentators have stated that he should be more of a ‘secretary’ than ‘general’; others say he should be more of a ‘general’ than ‘secretary’. What is the UN Charter basis for him to play either role? How much freedom does he have to define the role himself? The role of Secretary General of United Nations acts as the chief administrative officer in the organization. Ban Ki Moon who is currently the Secretary of United Nations should be governed by the principles stipulated in the UN Charter. Since the secretary is appointed by the General Assembly through the Security Councils recommendations, he is entitled to head the entire organization. As it has been commented by some individuals that he should play a role of a secretary other than General while others say he should play a role a General than Secretary, according to the UN Charter, neither can apply. This is because United Charter clearly states the duties of Secretary General which cannot be handled by either being in a Secretary or General. Some of his responsibilities in his duty performance as the overall head include, he should not seek or be instructed by any government or be authorized by an external organization. He should also refrain from actions reflecting his position as international official responsible to the organization. According to the above duties, he is entitled to play both roles of secretary and General. This is because, like in the work of report writing and presentation to the General Assembly, it shows a secretary related role. The case of heading all general meetings implies General related duties. Due to this reason, he should identify himself as a Secretary General. (http://www. burmalibrary. org/reg. burma/archives/199905/msg00161. html). What position does the High Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change take on the â€Å"doctrine of preemption† as articulated in the US National Security Strategy of 2002? Is the HLP’s position sound? The high level panel entreats, challenges and change is a body of United Nations which addresses and analyses the threats to the international security and peace and also knowing their root causes. It also recommends range from social and economic challenges to utilization of force. The article also discusses the tasks and roles that the High level panel envisages for Security Council in light of challenges and threats which are clearly identified. Nevertheless, the panel does not insist or recommend on fundamental changes of the international paradigms legal which include the collective use of force in peace restoration. The panel’s focus on security reforms composition instead of the system that it operates in does not handle the problems with the latter and also impossibility of the former achievement. The panel as articulated in the US National Security Strategy of 2002 plays the same role as in the case of United Nations Charter where by although both stresses on security maintenance worldwide, in US, it is more specific. The US report states how the state can apply protection control measures before seeking assistance from the UN Security Council. It shows also how the state is advanced through carrying out investigations and detentions of terrorism weapons and destroys them before use in attacks. These places the strategies in front line as much has been achieved. The high level panel’s position is sound because most of the evil activities have been adversely been reduced except the normal regional crisis which can be handled locally. Kenneth Abbott and Duncan Snidal summarize why states act through international organizations as follows (â€Å"Why states act through formal organizations†, p. 8): States consciously use IOs both to reduce transaction costs in the narrow sense and, more broadly, to create information, ideas, norms and expectations; to carry out and encourage specific activities; to legitimate or de-legitimate particular ideas and practices; and to enhance their capacities and powers. These functions constitute IOs as agents, which, in turn, influence the interests, inter subjective understandings, and environment of states. To what extent does that statement reflect a realist, institutionalist and/or social constructivist perspective on the role of international organizations? According to Kenneth Abbott and Duncan Suldal statement on why states act through international organizations, their main focus was to outline the benefits associated with formal organizations. The rational institutionalism is perceives international organizations as helping the state in achievement of its ends. Through distributive and power questions, the role of international organizations is perceived as in creation of norms and also understanding. Independence and centralization are outlined as the main properties in formal organizations. International organizations as a representative in community allows creation and implementation values which enforce the international commitments. In reduction of cost, international organizations has laid down principles which structure the agency relationships so as to contain institutional checks and balances which reduce opportunistic behaviors by agents. In a single organization, checks can be facilitated through empowerment of bureaus which have partially at least opposing mandates, for instance changing the production managers through maximization of outputs and changing controllers through maximizing cost of production in the firms. In creation of information, ideas, norms and expectations, the states are carefully designed as series to safeguard in the international courts of crimes. This is in relation to response of fear of runaway international courts. With rational perspective, international organizations enables achievement of states ends through creation of norms and other understandings. In carrying out encourage specific activities, international organizations have embarked on delegation principles where by a conditional authority is granted to an agent which empowers the agent to act on behalf of the former. For this case, the agents and principals mutually constitute to each other. Here, the relationship between agents and principles is governed by contracts be it the agreement is not formally acknowledged. All forms of delegations are conducted through divisions of labor which gains from specialization whereby the gains interact with all the other benefits from delegation. The essence of delegation is mainly to focus on how principles should be designed to control their agents. Some benefits attributed with delegation include; specialization which is achieved through division of labor, policy externalities which benefits through cooperation and can delegate to an international organization in case of big policy externalities. There is also an advantage of decision making collectively whereby states can also delegate to the international organizations especially when they pose a socially intransitive preference or in case of problem encounter. Another one includes dispute resolution whereby a state can delegate the authority to international agent to help in resolving differences between themselves. The statement why states act through international organizations reflects reality because in most of institutions, such benefits have been achieved and yielded positive results. This is because although the role of international organizations differs fro state to another depending on the interests of a certain state, many states have achieved their goals for instance, in economic activities, rights of residence among others. Recent years have seen a growing trend towards the use of so-called ‘hybrid’ peace operations, in which more than one organization or mission is deployed, either sequentially or side-by-side. Discuss the reasons for this trend and the pros and cons of hybrid operations. Please illustrate your response with examples. Hybrid piece operations essentially entail application of joint force in peace keeping whereby unprecedented operations which include troop’s locations challenges are used. The commanding structure in hybrid operations has been unified and agreed between United Nations and the African union so as to function effectively aiming at the single mission even if it is reporting to different organizations. Most of limitations have been associated with hybrid peace operations for instance, around 11 years ago, Francois Mitterrand who is a French president vigorously requested the Africans to apply their own means in conflict resolution and at the same time have their own organized security. Also other skeptics like Walter Dow equally place argumentations which were against practices regionalized peace operations which includes employment of sub-regional or regional organizations to conduct peace operations which reach from low intensity to high intensity peace keeping, continued presence of conflicts resulting to human tragedies, all over the world combined with UNs uncap abilities to address the issue has shown negative attitude towards the regional peace operation. This also led to respectfully disagreement with arguments Don among others regions cap tics. According to the recent intervention by sub regional and organizations in Burundi, Sudan, Liberia and Cot d’Ivore, the change of defunct OAU in to a better promising African Union (AU) and other international programs intended to develop capabilities regionally. This shows that, in Africa, the delegation of peace operation aspects to such organizations can’t be considered as effective or undesirable. Instead, the increasing capacity and willingness of regional organizations in Africa should step to modified security challenges in the continent which are coupled with United Nation’s current overstretch and notable absence of many problems which are foreseen by regiosceptics for future regional peace operations within Africa. Also, according to many regiosceptics, no existing regional organization has the required capacity and experience to place meaningful conflict resolution and prevention through use of military without assistance from outside. They apply that the continent’s sub-regional and regional organizations suffer from resource and capacity constrants in interoperability, training sustained readiness among others. This brings doubt in the potentiality of improvements in the short term. In Germany institute of international security policies, another study shows massive weaknesses in control and commanding intelligence in gathering and analyzing and also doctrinal preparation. As many regiosceptics have had that weakness into account, they concluded that, the African militaries are left with no choice other than returning to outdated models of welfare where by the combatants utilize weapons from the Korean war which were the tactics of the first world war and the form of treatments used in the 19th century. The hybrid peace operation having more disadvantages than the advantages, I prefer the cons of hybrid operations as it has not fully achieved its goals http://www. stimson. org/fopo/? SN=FP20021018422 . References: Bailey S, (1998). The Procedure of the UN Security Council. Oxford.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Analysis of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Essay -- Wuthering Heigh

Analysis of Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights is, in many ways, a novel of juxtaposed pairs: Catherine’s two great loves for Heathcliff and Edgar; the two ancient manors of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange; the two families, the Earnshaws and the Lintons; Heathcliff’s conflicting passions of love and hate. Additionally, the structure of the novel divides the story into two contrasting halves. The first deals with the generation of characters represented by Catherine, Heathcliff, Hindley, Isabella, and Edgar, and the second deals with their children—young Catherine, Linton, and Hareton. Many of the same themes and ideas occur in the second half of the novel as in the first half, but they develop quite differently. While the first half ends on a note of doom and despair with Catherine’s death and Heath-cliff’s gradual descent into evil, the novel as a whole ends on a note of hope, peace, and joy, with young Catherine’s proposed marriage to Hareton Earnshaw. In the first of the chapters in this section, we witness the event that marks the di...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Expository plan must be built for completeness Information must be valuable and complete. The point of the topic must be specific enough to explain the subject and it seeks to answer what, why, and how. Expository plan must be built for progress Writing must have unity, from old to new or from simple to complex or known to unknown or specific to general or general from to specific or less important to more important. Expository plan must be built for Adaptation In order to be clear, explanation must be clear for suitable audience.The Exposition of an Abstract Term or concept Anything that has no pictorial representation that we know are true; but exist only in our mind. Abstract term begin with a definition. It consist of the term, Genus, and Differentiation. Writing a good exposition of an abstract term must be: 1. Be sure you are explaining the subject not talking about it. 2. Use the simplest and most familiar diction possible, especially if your exposition is more formal sort. 3. Study various methods of exposition, select the best one suitable for you.Elimination – explaining a thing by telling what is not. Analysis – dividing the subject into its feature. Comparison and Contrast -? defining words which have a tendency to occur with or to be confused with certain companion words. Illustration – the easiest and natural method of exposition. Giving example of illustration of object to be defined. A serious problem in the abstract term or concept is that length. It may be full length or full length composition or in which the subject is amplified by various methods or by one developed to its utmost.It may be a paragraph developed by concentrating on the main features of the subject and relying for effect upon wise selection and presentation. Most frequently it is a paragraph or page in longer essay. The exposition of a process Sequential operation and action by which something is done or made. Whenever you are trying to tell a person how to do something or how other people do something. Followed by a time pattern sometimes w/o conscious planning or explaining events in order. James M. Micron gives four common types of exposition process: â€Å"how-to-do-it† process, give direction. How-it-works† process, shows a n operation (often mechanical). Usually follows a time order and resembles narration. â€Å"how-it-is-organized† process, show complexity in organization function by breaking into department and it is functional rather than chronological. â€Å"how-did-it-happen† process, seek to cause for a known effect such as why or how the event occurred. Exposition of a process has two different aims. First, try to give the reader an understanding of the process without assuming that he/she will undertake itself. Second, give the reader a direction. Planning and organizing depend on the subject.If the process is informal, your readers is to follow directions himself. Whether if it is formal or informal, unity is required in the process if you wish to emphasize. Comparison and Contrast Comparison meant to show likeness and Contrast shows differences between two subject areas. For example, A is better than B or more interesting than B, or more useful than B. The two statements need strong control and organization. Character Sketch Process of writing individual trait to set forth idea or detailing of a characteristics of some personified animal or thing. Enhanced by the use of incidental description.To sketch a character is essentially explaining that character. It is not describing a person physically but present to his character. Two kind of character sketch are individual concerns particular person and type characteristic common to a group. Ways to develop character sketch. A) Leading characteristics of the subject are enumerated and each one is taken up for discussion. B) Development may be anecdotal; it may relate a story illustrate particular trait in a person. C) Pro minent characteristic may be emphasized and the other characteristic placed in subsidiary relationship .The Essay is an exposition of author's thought or reflection on some subject of human interest. Two kinds of essay: Formal Essay -? main purpose is to give information and instruction. Brief in scope, usually impersonal in tone, it addressed primarily intellect, may deal with variety of subject. Great structure, method of development and manner of expression Informal Essay – frankly and mainly to entertain. Observed in a free method way and does not attempt to discuss subject exhaustively , nor does it deal with subjects that call for elaborate explanation.Personal in tone and point of view written in natural conversation. Comment or Criticism Review and criticism are forms of exposition. Usually published in periodicals, magazine, and written in a large variety of subjects. Anything that evokes opinion or judgment. Three kinds of criticisms: Criticism by use of standard â €“ assume that certain qualities tend to appear n all great literature. Historical Criticism -? evaluating influence of a writer or his work upon writers who followed him. Impressionistic or personal criticism – by telling what you think or feel, more Objective standards , narrow or superficial.Practical suggestions for your criticism: 1. Have background of knowledge 2. Have prejudice from training, race, religion, politics, occupation, and localities 3. Analyze a piece of writing 4. Choose something of your own interest as well as your own knowledge 5. Select a definite, limited central idea 6. Test your opinions carefully Us Mary Exposition Exposition that states and explains briefly the subject Of any spoken or written composition of considerable length. CLASSIFICATION AS A TECHNIQUE OF EXPOSITION Classification is a significant and informative grouping of things, activities, and ideas.Ruling principle is to unite idea or point of view use in the art of classifying. â €Å"A classification is useless it leads somewhere†. Suggestion for meaning classification: 1. Make clear what is being classified 2. Choose (and state) a significant, useful basis or guiding principle for the classification 3. Take care to limit yourself one basis at a time in listing members of class 4. Name the species according to given basis 5. Make sure that each species is separate and distinct that there is no overlapping 6.Help readers understand the distinct between two species 7. Make certain that in a classification (where a species listed in accordance with the major basis becomes a genus) Partition in Exposition Partition is the act of dividing a unit into its component part and does not necessarily have anything in common beyond the fact that they belong to the same unit. Hammers may be logically divided according to its physical characteristics. Classification always deals with several units while partition eels only part of a unit. A hammer head w/o handle is hammer.The head and the handle are component parts of only one unit. Suggestion for clear and meaningful partition: 1 . â€Å"Any breakdown of a subject for purposes of discussion should be done in accordance consistent point of view, or basis, and basis must adhered throughout any single phase of the discussion†.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Critical Analysis of Learning Styles - 2743 Words

Critical analysis of learning styles Introduction The theory of Honey and Mumford, describes the styles and learning strategies. It incorporates much of the theory of Kolbs learning cycle, making it more intelligible. It is important to discuss these strategies with students. (Marsick and Watkins, p132-51) While this allows the teacher to become aware of the need to vary their teaching because they do not exist in universal, it also allows learners to realize that everyone learns differently. So its dominant learning strategies can influence its working methods and student personnel can then optimize them. It may also become more self-confidence. Honey and Mumford (1986) take away from Kolb (1984) the idea of an experiential learning model in four stages they call: experience, the return on experience, drawing conclusions and planning. (Waring and Evans, p117-28) According to them, each phase has specific behaviors and attitudes and is important to successfully complete the learning process itself. But most people, through the successes and failures of their behavior in their attempts to learn, develop preferences that make them love certain specific phases of the process. (Marsick and Watkins, p132-51) Models overview To the extent that these phases are preferred by individuals, they define four learning styles, each corresponding to a description of attitudes and behaviors that determine a preferred way of learning by an individual (Honey andShow MoreRelatedEssay Critical Review of Reappraising Cognitive Styles in AWBES837 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Critical Review of Reappraising Cognitive Styles in Adaptive Web Applications Keni Gin University of Western Ontario Review on Reappraising Cognitive Styles in Adaptive Web Applications Introduction and Related Work This research is based on empirical user trial data and a sophisticated analysis. 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